Loose Ends

A few disparate notes in passing …

Winter is clinging tenaciously to itself. We’ve had our two largest snowfalls of the year this past week — or close to it at any rate. But it also gets mixed with intervals of somewhat milder temperatures along with some rain, so that’s all to the good.

After recently posting that down moods were more or less a thing of the past, I became very cranky yesterday. It was mostly because I got extremely tired and became like a toddler who desperately needed a nap. Maybe I haven’t grown up yet. Anyway, Good Neighbour brought her snowblower out on both occasions and cleared our driveway for us.

After my Shrove Tuesday post The other Grandma, the Grand-mère or Grand maman sent us this description of her customs: “… when I was young, I remember an aunt by the name of Leda, that was saying that the Mardi Gras was also the day of La Chandeleure. On that special day, she was making pancakes too, but with her right hand, and on the left one, she was keeping a piece of money, and that she’ll have prosperity for all the year to come … My mother used to say that it was also La Chandeleur, but in French, we just pronounced  CHANDLEUR.  For us it was most popular than Mardi Gras, but other countries have parades, festivals and  carnaval.”

At any rate, Chandleur, by whatever name, was interesting in this English household to say the least. Mom had a sore back after falling on the ice, Dad was late for supper, and the kids wanted to help with the preparations. Added to the chaos was the fact that I was doing things that I had never done before — baking both pancakes and bacon on stoneware pans in the oven. The pancakes came out a little overdone and the bacon a little underdone. Oh well. C’est la vie!

Making Pancakes on Shrove Tuesday

They think they're helping! Dig the dress!

Dance Ballerina Dance

She's very into dresses and being a ballerina these days.

Beyond the Veil

Final loose end of the day: we had quite a sunset the other evening. Here's one view of it although I guess you could say that it's more about the window than the sunset.


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15 Responses to Loose Ends

  1. Mara says:

    Great dress and even better model! I love the crafts as well from your last post. But how on earth do you make pancakes in the oven? I thought they were made in a pan on the fire!

  2. Diana says:

    Love the photos AC, Grandpa teaching, the dress and the beautiful window! Some very nice loose ends. Love Di ♥

  3. Spring is coming, I Promise!
    Pancakes in the Oven? Must be something different than what we do here…
    Happy weekend and Smile! It helps!

  4. KGMom says:

    I love the double stools–sized appropriately for standing at just the right height to HELP!

  5. Bernie says:

    Hello my friend, hope your not cranky today….lol I have never made pancakes in the oven, always use a griddle (perhaps you meant you were keeping them warm in the oven) nothing better than pancakes and crisp bacon.
    Love the dress, she looks so feminine! Hope mom’s back is better. Have a great weekend…..:-)Hugs

  6. June Kellum says:

    Love this post, AC.

    The kiddies are cute as ever… and helpful! And that dress is adorable!!

    And that sunset through the window is very special!!

    Cheer up, my friend- your spring WILL come!

    Junie Rose

  7. Lorna says:

    We saw that sunset too—it was spectacular!

  8. Ruth says:

    Yes, our weather this month has been discouraging. The picture at the stove is worth 1000 words. And your little girl in the dress is sweet!

  9. Hilary says:

    Love your wee helpers. She looks like Snow White in that dress and he must be Prince Charming. The sunset shot is quite wonderful. Please pass a pancake!

  10. Doris says:

    Love the sunset/window photo. Beautiful colours and composition.

  11. Ginnie says:

    I love the two little ones on their teeny stools … it won’t be long before they won’t need them !!

  12. Snow when you are ready for spring can ruin your mood. We had a day full of rain on Friday and not likely to get any more snow here. As much as we both enjoy it, we are now ready to go onto other things, like spring planting. And pancakes in the oven sounds different to me too as we use a griddle, and we had strawberry ones on Shrove Tuesday.

  13. Jinksy says:

    Window or sunset, the image is glorious…

  14. Kila says:

    Really loved all 3 of these photos as well!

  15. Regenia says:

    I also love the helpers. Every family should have them, especially if one is a beautiful ballerina in her dress!

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